Snow White in Space - 2021
Written by Peter Bently
Published by Hachette

A futuristic fairy tale reimagining Snow White as a super-cool astronaut, this book is a must for space fans!
Snow White is on a mission to defeat the wicked Queen Mortilda of Planet Zo and her robot army! With the help of seven small aliens she formulates a cunning plan . . .
The second book in a new series of futuristic fairy tales with a STEM angle, set in outer space! Featuring favourite fairy tale characters as interstellar astronauts leading their own missions and learning about space along the way.
Written by the brilliant Peter Bently, winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, with colourful, funny illustrations throughout by Chris Jevons, illustrator of 101 Bums.
Snow White is on a mission to defeat the wicked Queen Mortilda of Planet Zo and her robot army! With the help of seven small aliens she formulates a cunning plan . . .
The second book in a new series of futuristic fairy tales with a STEM angle, set in outer space! Featuring favourite fairy tale characters as interstellar astronauts leading their own missions and learning about space along the way.
Written by the brilliant Peter Bently, winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, with colourful, funny illustrations throughout by Chris Jevons, illustrator of 101 Bums.